Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Production Dances

Production Dances

During while we have been starting the production we have been learning some dances.The first one we learnt was to the song Robbin Hood, by Extra Curricular which is a partner dance. The second dance was to the song No Money, by Galantis. Even though the year 7s are doing the Robbin Hood dance and the year 8s are doing the No Money dance, we still all practice together because the dances also very  depending on who you are playing. 

Personally, I like the dance that goes to No Money better because it's quite fast and it gives you a challenge to keep up with the music, though I still like the other song because there are some fun cool moves. To make sure the dances are a success, we need to stay in time with the music and have lots of enthusiasm really with are faces and in the actual dance to. 


  1. I really like both of the dances! I wish that the year 7's could do the No Money dance

  2. Nice post Beth! I like the No money dance 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
